Friday, December 5, 2008

The Somali American suicide bomber, a victim or a villain?

The Somali American suicide bomber, a victim or a villain? This is a question of a critical importance. Though there is no simple answer, Omar Jamal, a Twin Cities Somali activist dubbed the bomber a victim of religious indoctrination. Yes, he’s been indoctrinated but that doesn't make him off the hook. He killed innocent men, women and children out of his own will (I don’t think he was forced to do it at gun point). Though religious fanatics exploit some perceived weaknesses, ultimately, we are responsible of processing and examining our scholarship. Everyone is responsible for his/her actions and their consequences. Bad or good. So yes, he may be a victim of the powerful and perilous sect of Islam but no doubt he is a murderer. No one should be mourning for his passing.

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