Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorry, Blame it on Omar Jamal

It is a well known fact that Muslim extremists are minority in number yet their voices reign supreme. Check out this video and observe how they rebuttal accusations aimed at their Abubakar Assadique mosque—linked with an ongoing FBI investigation about the missing young Somali Minnesotans—with considerable vigor. They are blaming the messenger (the outspoken, sometimes hyperbolic, Omar Jamal who is a vocal critic of local Somali religious ideologues), and the media for creating public awareness of possible nascent Muslim radical cells in Minnesota and around the country.

“[Omar Jamal] is going to the media and saying something bad about our community and that’s unacceptable”, shouts one Islamist. What is bad about talking about young teenagers lured into fighting evil war?

The religious fanatics are succeeding in convincing the media and the public that Omar Jamal is tribally motivated and thus his comments merit no attention. They understand the fluid nature of tribalism and are doing their best to inject it into the conversation.

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